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Strawberry Yoghurt in a Bowl - Organic Natural Yoghurt - Barambah Organics

5 Biggest Health Benefits Of Organic Food


Strawberry Yoghurt in a Bowl - Organic Natural Yoghurt - Barambah Organics



Switching to organic food isn’t just good for the planet, it’s good for your family as well… 


At Barambah Organics, we’ve always known that organic food is choc full of nutrition and tastes absolutely delicious, and it seems a lot of people are getting the message! 


Six times as many organic products are sold in Australia today compared to a decade ago as consumers realise what they’ve been missing out on.  


But do you know all the ways in which organic milk, cheese and yoghurt is better for you? Here are just five reasons why you’re better off with organic products your shopping basket. 



1. No nasty residues 

We never use artificial, chemical-based pesticides on our meadows  so there’s no danger of harmful particles making it into the milk.  


A report by a professor at RMIT University in Victoria recommended switching to organic food to ensure what you’re eating is safe. Children on conventional diets were found to have six times as many organophosphate pesticides in their urine as those eating organically, levels that were above what’s considered safe. 



2. Superhero fat 

We all know there are healthy and unhealthy fats – and organic milk has way more of the good stuff and less of the bad.  


Omega-3 is the superhero when it comes to fat, and there’s more than twice as much of it in organic milk. It’s especially important for brain development in babies and young children, eye health, fighting heart disease and reducing inflammation. 


In fact, scientists have identified 17 ways it can improve your health. 


Omega-6, meanwhile is the villain of the piece as too much of it can cause heart disease, strokes and blood clots. Luckily, organic milk contains 26% less than conventional milk. 


READ MORE: Why we’re proud to be organic 



3. We’re anti antibiotics 

There are widespread fears about antibiotics injected into cows on conventional farms. They are routinely used when the animals become ill, but scientists are worried that overuse will mean humans building up resistance to them and being unable to fight infections. Often, when one animals is ill, they’re pumped into the entire herd. 


The then United Nations secretary general Ban Ki-moon declared in 2016 that such resistance is a “fundamental threat” to global health and safety. That same year, Australian National University professor Peter Collignon accused Australian farmers of over-prescribing the drugs and called for more controls. 



4. Heart protection 

It’s not exactly a shocker to discover that cows free to roam and munch of fresh grass all day produce better quality milk than those chained up in dark barns eating slop.  


A recent study had some startling conclusions. For a start, milk from grass-fed cows  has five times as much of an unsaturated fat called conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which keeps the heart healthy and helps weight loss. In fact, organic milk reduces the risk of a heart attack by 36%. CLA is also thought to prevent cancer and diabetes. 


READ MORE: 10 surprising benefits of organic farming 


5. Multi vits 

There are even more goodies that occur more in organic milk than conventional. It has three times as many antioxidants like lutein, which is important for preventing eye diseases, cataracts and glaucoma, and 50% more Vitamin E to fight heart disease and the signs of aging.  


There’s also 75% more beta carotene which turns into Vitamin A to fight infections, grow strong bones and maintain healthy skin.  


So buying Barambah Organics isn’t just about the unbeatable taste and doing the right thing for the environment, it’s about making the healthiest choice for your family.  


It’s how dairy is supposed to be.  


READ MORE:  Where to buy Barambah Organics